The effects of storage temperature and time on the stability of syngas in Polyvinyl fluoride film bags Riuh Wardhani, Woohee Chung, Jinho Shin, Heekwon Ahn, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 86, 762-766, 09/02/2024.2024
The effect of feeding a mixed feed additives on greenhouse gases emissions from slurry pits Jumi Lee, Dongyeo Kim, Seunghun Lee, Riuh Wardhani, Jinho Shin, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Animal Environmental Science, J. Anim. Environ. Sci. 26(2), ISSN 1226-0274, 87-96, 30 August 2024.2024
The effect of feeding a mixed feed additive of benzoic acid, saponin, prebiotics, and minerals on odor emission during the storage process of pig manu… Dongyeo Kim, Jumi Lee, Seunghun Lee, Riuh Wardhani, Jinho Shin, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Animal Environmental Science, J. Anim. Environ. Sci. 26(2), ISSN 1226-0274, 67~75, 30 August 2024.2024
Effectiveness of Floating Covers in Mitigating Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions from Lab-Scale Swine Slurry Pits Jumi Lee, Riuh Wardhani, Jinho Shin, Seunghun Lee, Yangjoon Lee, Heekwon Ahn, sustainability, Slurry Pits. Sustainability 2025, 17, 374., 1-15, 3 January 2025.2023
Mitigating Carbon Emissions: The Impact of Peat Moss Feeding on CH4 and CO2 Emissions during Pig Slurry Storage Joonhee Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Applied Sciences, 13-18, 10492, 2023/09/20.2023
Influence of Dairy Manure as Inoculum Source on Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure Jisoo Wi, Seunghun Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Bioengineering, 10-4, 432, 2023/03/29.2023
Effect of peat moss used as a feed additive on the concentration and odor contribution of odor compounds derived from pork slurry in slurry peat Joonhee Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Indoor Environment and Odor, 22/3, 209-219, 2023.2022
Assessment of odors using a resident-participatory mobile odor alert application Seunghun Lee, Daehun Kim, Jinho Shin, Yangjun Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Animal Environmental Science, 24/3, 117-123, 2022/12/31.2022
Effect of breeding temperature on enteric fermentation methane emissions in pigs Daehun Kim, Jinho Shin, Hee-Cheol Roh, Jisoo Wi, Seunghun Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Animal Environmental Science, 24/1, 24-27, 2022/4/30.2022
Effect of breeding temperature on enteric fermentation methane emissions in pigs Daehun Kim, Jinho Shin, Hee-Cheol Roh, Jisoo Wi, Seunghun Lee, Heekwon Ahn, Journal of Animal Environmental Science, 24/1, 24-27, 2022/4/30.10
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